Monday, July 10, 2006

Variation on a Theme

I'm really enjoying the theme we've got going here...people who claim to be omniscient but appear not to know the first thing about my life.

In keeping with that theme, I offer you this, my fortune from dinner this evening:

A secret admirer will soon send you a sign of affection.



My apologies for the shoddy post tonight. I have plenty of thoughts running around my head, but my gosh, those deep thoughts take a long time to make sense of and write down! And my writing time was taken over by last-minute dinner plans with a colleague in town from DC. We spent the evening catching up on each other's lives, mutual friends' lives, talking shop, etc. It was a wonderful reminder that there are some people in this world that I hope to never lose track of.


At Mon Jul 10, 11:56:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in love with you.

At Mon Jul 17, 10:55:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ZOMG new post!!!!!

At Tue Jul 18, 06:34:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Summer seems to be a slow time for posts. I hope that means that the real you is on some kind of very cool vacation: a first descent of a river in China, or the summit of a big mountain in Canada, or perhaps composing your next post from a sidewalk cafe in Paris. As long as your aren't in DC, sweltering as you rush between meetings . . .


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